Posts in knowing & believin...
How Me?

In being exact, Jesus knows exactly the conversation that will engage us as He reveals Himself to us. His exchange with the Samaritan woman at the well continues as her question back to His request for a drink betrays her feelings about His unconventional ways. She asks "How me?" She can't believe Jesus would be asking her, a Samaritan, for a drink! Is this sometimes how we think? We cannot imagine how it is possible that Jesus would seek us out, come to us, personally engage us in conversation and give us exactly what we need? That's when Jesus reveals the questions she and we should really be asking.

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Jesus Is Exact

When Jesus travels from Judea to Galilee, Samaria is not just the quickest, most direct route; it is also the route that will put Him at an exact place at an exact time to encounter the woman at the well. And it is a place of deep-seated historical, racial and religious tension. Yet Jesus chooses to go there. He ventures into controversial, unclean and undesirable territory to meet this one woman. Jesus will do the same thing for us!

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Why Am I Never Satisfied?

Do you, like me, find yourself at least sometimes seeking temporary happiness from things that bring no lasting satisfaction? Jesus is the only one who can satisfy our soul needs for salvation, assurance, peace, security, significance, purpose, perfect love, perfect acceptance, perfect dependability, perfect trustworthiness, eternal presence, deep, abiding joy, unshakable hope, steady mercy, steady grace, knowledge, wisdom, understanding, discernment and so on. But don't we all find ourselves attempting to draw from the wells of the world to quench spiritual thirst? And when we do, the thirst remains or returns? Come with me as we visit Jacob's well with Jesus and the Samaritan woman and discover that Jesus will meet us at our exact place of need to reveal Himself as exactly what we need.

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Steadfast Podcast: Sharing a Bit of My Story

Sharing a bit of my story on the Steadfast podcast with Casey Tate today! The stronghold of bulimia and a desire to cover self-disgust with a perfect image left me a broken, hurting mess, but God by His grace and faithfulness rescued me. Maybe that's not your story or struggle, but something else is weighing you down. Or maybe you just love to hear the many ways the Lord moves in personal and profound ways to show Himself mighty to and in us. I'd love to share this story with you, as He has and He continues to teach me each day how to live free of the sin that once entangled me. It's a story of the hope and redemption! If it touches or blesses you, please feel free to share it!

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Life & Loss

When it hits me just how great it was to have my mom alive in this world, and my heart longs to have her here still, it is still hard. Thirteen years later and it is still hard. It hurts. Yet in life and loss, when it hurt and it's hard, God is our ever-present help in times of trouble. He never leaves or forsakes us, and in these times, He is undeniably real! And knowing it's not goodbye forever makes goodbye for now so much better! Have you lost a loved one? Are you facing the loss of someone you can't imagine life without? It’s hard! But God offers much hope and comfort.

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